Top Writers for June 2023

 Here are the two top writers for this June 2023.

Image created by the author

For this month The Lark has chosen two top writers of poetry and fiction to be showcased on our front page and shared throughout social media ie. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest.

So, the top writers for May 2023 are:

Ann Christine Tabaka


Colleen Millsteed

If you submit consistently for The Lark then you will be putting yourself forward to become a top writer with us. For example, if you submit every day or at least four times per week, then you could be within a chance, as long as your writing stands out and has no punctuation errors, but do not worry about that because anything is still possible.

See May 2023 top writers announced below:

Check out The Lark’s top writer list:

See The Lark’s top writers for 2022 below —
